The inaugural award ceremony for those leading reconciliation efforts in BC 

Photo: Crystal Behn, 2022 BC Reconciliation Award Paddle

Next week the recipients of the British Columbia Reconciliation Award will gather at Government House in Victoria for a formal award presentation ceremony. The BC Reconciliation Award, one of the first of its kind in Canada, was launched in November 2020 to recognize individuals, groups and organizations who are advancing conversations and action on reconciliation in BC. Over the past two years, the award has attracted province-wide attention with nominations reflecting a range of unique efforts, size, scale and level of impact. 

The awardees from the inaugural offering of the program – the 2021 recipients – as well as the 2022 award recipients were recognized for their accomplishments through a social media campaign upon initial awardee announcements. However, they have not had the chance to meet each other, exchange ideas, share congratulations for their achievements, or be presented their award, until now! 

On January 12, these awardees will be presented with a print of a canoe paddle designed by the Emerging Artist recipient of the First Nations Art Award program. The 2021 paddle was created by Kwakwaka’wakw artist Cole Speck, and the 2022 paddle was created by Dene and Carrier beader Crystal Behn. The ongoing series of BC Reconciliation Award paddles will be displayed in Government House. 

The commitment of these recipients to working toward reconciliation is inspiring and provides hope for stronger relationships and communities. With the mission to elevate excellence, share success and inspire change, BC Achievement, through its continued partnership with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, is honoured to present the third year of the BC Reconciliation Award program. By highlighting those who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, integrity, respect, and commitment to furthering reconciliation or inspired others to continue reconciliation efforts, we will all benefit. 

Nominate a deserving individual, group or organization for the 2023 BC Reconciliation Award at Nomination forms are online and BC Achievement staff are available to answer your questions. Deadline to nominate is January 20, 2023. 

BC Achievement: Elevate Excellence. Share Success. Inspire Change.    

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