What does engagement mean @bcachievement – #bepartofit

Photo: Paul Larocque, President & CEO, Arts Umbrella & Yuri Fulmer, BC Achievement alumnus

Many of you have asked the question, “What does engagement mean at BC Achievement?” First and foremost, please consider contributing to the work of the foundation in a way that is meaningful for you. Whether that is by:   

  • submitting a nomination (we cannot thank the nominators enough – your efforts underpin the work of the foundation)
  • sharing the call for nominations and expanding our reach (#nominatenowbc for the 2023 Reconciliation and Community award programs);
  • amplifying recipients’ stories through all your communication channels; and, 
  • by donating through BC Achievement’s website (#donatenowbc). 

There’s no shortage of excellence in British Columbia and for close to two decades the foundation has been honouring the best of British Columbia. Every one of these recipients is a conduit for change. The effects of their work rippling outward, building momentum while impacting countless lives.  

Photo: 2022 Fulmer Award in First Nation Art Presentation Ceremony & Combined Exhibition at The Roundhouse

BC Achievement’s partners are vital to the sustainability of its programs. The work we are doing now builds the foundation for future artists, community leaders and entrepreneurs and we are grateful for those who support this vibrant community and celebrate the best of our province. It is a straightforward equation – the more British Columbians who engage with BC Achievement programming the more our programs can share the success of their awardees and inspire real change. 

As an independent, registered not-for-profit, BC Achievement relies upon corporate and philanthropic support for all five of its programs. Every contribution makes a difference, and we invite you to join the movement – #bepartofit and invest in the innovative work of program recipients and, in doing so, inspire achievement.   

If you would like to explore contributing to the work of the foundation, please contact our Executive Director Cathryn Wilson at cathrynwilson@bcachievement.com 

BC Achievement: Elevate Excellence. Share Success. Inspire Change. 

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